We are really looking forward to our new season of photography and we start tomorrow with a leacture by Phil Savoie on the Principles of Photography.
We hope to see as many members as possible at the club and, in line with Government guidance, we have a reviewed both our own practices with those of the venue to ensure we remain as safe as possible and adhere to the latest guidelines. A full copy of our risk assessment has been published on our website, here.
For those that are unable to join us in person, we will contunue to support members remotely and members will be able to join us from home using Zoom. The joining details are:
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87651985739?pwd=cUZ0Zys5d3FPbllMNWRMaVdLcXVsQT09
Meeting ID: 876 5198 5739
Passcode: cps
Finally, for those members that have not yet renewed, or new members that wish to join us this year, now is the time to renew your membership. This can be done simply on the website at https://www.chorleyps.org/join. For renewing members, please remember to use your discount code.