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League & Competition Rules



  • Competitions can only be entered using the Competition Portal accessed via the competition tab on the club's website,

  • The member must hold the copyright of the image and is only able to enter Chorley PS competitions where Chorley PS have sole rights to use members images.
    Images from members provided to any other club should not be entered into our competitions or our critique sessions.

  • Images submitted to Chorley PS competitions or critique group cannot be provided to another club whilst they are a member of Chorley PS.

  • Any manipulation of the image must have been carried out solely by the member. However, a commercial printer may produce your prints. 

  • An image needs to be identified only by its title; the title must be unique to each image submitted by an author. The software will produce the file name automatically for PDIs and produce labels for you to print for print competitions.

  • Images must be entirely the work of the photographer. In composite images all component images must meet this requirement. For the avoidance of doubt, use of images from any other source including, but not limited to, royalty free image banks and clipart are not permitted.


Open Colour Eligibility 


  • An image that does not fit in the Nature or Mono sections.

  • Monochrome Eligibility –

  • An image in tones of neutral grey ranging from transparent/white to opaque black.

  • An image in a single colour.

  • A print using a chemical process such as sepia, cyanotype, etc.

  • A digital produced image ‘colourized’ in a single hue.


Nature Eligibility


  • Images where living organisms are the primary subject matter.

  • Nature includes - images taken with subjects in controlled conditions such as zoos, game parks, botanical gardens, aquariums and enclosures where the subjects are dependent on man for food. Scientific bands, tags or collars are permissible.

  • Nature excludes – images where the subjects are obviously domestic animals or plants. Images where an obviously artistic treatment has been applied.

  • Processing of the captured image, by cropping, exposure adjustment, colour correction, noise minimisation, dodging/burning, HDR, focus stacking and sharpening, is permitted, as is cloning of image defects and minor distractions including overlapping elements. 




  • Prints should be mounted on board or thick card.

  • The size of the print, including the mount board is 50cm x 40cm. This is the only size for both internal and external competitions. It meets the requirements of the L&CPU and the PAGB.

  • The printed labels should be attached to the back of the print in the top right-hand corner. There should be no identifying marks on the front of the print.


Projected digital images (PDIs)


  • PDIs should be 1600px wide x 1200px high. If an image is smaller than this, it should be placed on a black canvas which meets these dimensions.

  • They should be saved as JPEGs with a maximum file size of 2MB.

  • The colour space should be SRGB

  • Images not meeting these specifications will be rejected by the software.

League Competitions


Competitions are an integral part of club activities and one of the best methods you can use to assess how your photography is improving. All members are therefore encouraged to enter competitions from an early stage in both print and digital.
A new league competition is opened immediately after the previous competition is judged. 

The competition entry is closed 7days prior to the judging date. The open and closing dates are clearly indicated in the competition entry section.

If an entry is made into the incorrect section, the judge is advised to critique and temper their mark accordingly.
If an image is removed after finalizing the entry / printing labels - new labels are required as new barcodes for all images in that section are created when an entry is finalised again.

During the season there are four league competitions for both PDIs and Prints. 


  • A section – Advanced workers

  • B section – Developer worers


  • PDIs have two sections per competition - Open and Nature

  • Prints have three sections per competition – Open Colour, Mono and Nature.

  • A member may enter a maximum of three images per section for each competition.

  • An image can be used once only in league competitions. The image cannot be used e.g. in PDI’s and then Prints. An image cannot be used in Open Colour and then Mono.

  • The scores for each section will then contribute to separate Open, Colour, Mono and Nature league tables.

  • To remove the impact of a rogue score the highest 10 scores for each section over the year will be counted towards the overall league calculation.

  • Members who enter competitions are expected to make available to the club any work requested by the competition secretary for possible selection into external competitions.




  • The judge will comment and give scores out of twenty.

  • Please, remember that it is the comments that will guide you to improve.

  • Other competition results such as for the Creative Competition and the President’s Theme Competition will not be used in calculating final league positions.


Members Images


  • Members who enter Competitions are expected to make available to the club any work requested by the Competition Secretary for possible selection into external competitions.




  • The judge will comment and give scores out of 20.

  • Please, remember it’s the comments that will guide you to improve.

  • The highest 10 scores from each section over the year will be counted towards the overall league calculation. 

  • Other competitions, such as fun themed competitions and the President’s competition are additional to the League and will not be used in final league positions.

The Annual Print and PDI Competitions


  • New work can be entered but the competition should be looked upon as a review of the seasons work.

  • Three categories are Open Colour, Mono and Nature.

  • No Nature images will be allowed in the Open Colour or Mono sections.

  • As this is a different competition to the league, an image previously entered in a league competition as a PDI can be entered in the annual competition as a print and vice-versa. 

  • An image previously entered in a league competition in colour can be entered in the annual competition as mono and vice-versa.

  • A maximum of five images will be allowed in each category.

  • The current two sections A & B will continue as normal within each category.  

  • Marking is by three judges who will judge on the button awarding 2 to 5 marks each giving a possible score of between 6 and 15 for each image.

  • 1st, 2nd & 3rd place and judges awards will be given for each section.

  • With agreement prints may be retained for the exhibition.


Additional competitions


  • President’s Theme competition

  • Creative competition


If a member has any queries, please contact the internal competition secretary prior to the competitions closing date.

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St Mary’s Parish Social Club, Devonshire Rd, Chorley PR7 2BY

© Copyright Chorley Photographic Society©
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