Who's Who
Jane Lines
Martin Coupe
Susan Jackson
Int. Comp Secretary
Wendy Stowell
Membership Secretary
Susan Jackson
Syllabus Secretary
Gordon Jenkins
Past President
Will Stead
Committee Member
Geoff Kennedy
Committee Member
Steve Procter
Committee Member
Peter West
Committee Member
Jeanette Savigar
Committee Member
Richard Nicholson
We hold our regular Monday evening meetings at:
St Mary’s Parish Social Club,
off Devonshire Road,
West Street Car Park (PR7 2SJ – 117 spaces)
St Mary’s Car Park (PR7 2RP – 44 spaces)
Both free after 6pm
Internal Competition Secretary
Wendy Stowell
Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy Statement
The Chorley Photographic Society is fully committed to safeguarding the well being of its Members and Visitors. Throughout this policy it should be understood that “Child” also includes “Vulnerable Adult”.
Members and Visitors should, at all times, observe our Child Policy; show respect for, and understanding of, their rights, safety and welfare; and conduct themselves in a way that reflects credit on the club.
Adopted at the CPS Committee Meeting on Wednesday 13 th August 2008 Signed __________________________ (Sarah Yeoman)
1. Always
Ensure that all volunteers and members at your club are aware of these guidelines
Treat everyone with respect.
Provide an example you wish others to follow.
Ensure that another adult (ideally of a different gender) is present when you are in the company of young people.
Respect persons’ right to privacy.
Encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes and behaviour they do not like.
Remember someone might misinterpret your actions and your comments no matter how well intentioned.
Recognise that caution is required particularly in sensitive moments such as when dealing with bullying, bereavement, grief or abuse.
Be aware of the possible implications of physical contact with young people.
Contact your local interagency child protection officer whenever in doubt.
2. Never
…permit abusive youth peer activities (e.g. initiation ceremonies, ridiculing, bullying)
…jump to conclusions.
…allow yourself to be drawn into any inappropriate attention seeking behaviour by young people (e.g. tantrums, crushes)
…exaggerate or trivialise child abuse issues.
…show favouritism to any individual.
…make suggestive remarks or gestures.
…rely upon your good name to protect you.
…believe “it could never happen to me,” either when dealing with abuse or being accused of committing abuse. What to do if One to One Contact is unavoidable:
Make sure it is for as short time as possible.
Ensure you are accessible to others.
Tell someone else where you are going, what you are doing and why.
Try to move with the child to areas where there are more people.
Try to avoid unnecessary physical contact especially if it may be misconstrued by the child or other people.
Action Statement
If you suspect or are told that a young person is being abused.
You must always refer – you must never investigate.
Write down the facts, as you know them.
Ensure that the young person is given the opportunity to talk to you, or an independent person.
Listen to the young person without interruption, and do not ask questions about what you may suspect. • Do not approach a suspected abuser yourself.
Provide support as appropriate.
Accept at face value what the young person says.
Do not pass judgement on what is said, but to try to alleviate any fears or guilt which the young person may have.
Make it clear that you can offer support, and that you MUST pass on the information.
If you receive an allegation of child abuse by an adult
Contact your local interagency child protection officer via one of the Club’s designated contacts.
Record the nature of the allegation in detail.
Do not try to sort it out yourself.
In case of an emergency please contact: one of the following responsible people:
Jane Lines, President
Martin Coupe, Treasurer
Adopted on 13th August 2008
Club Constitution
The Society shall be known as the Chorley Photographic Society. The Society shall be affiliated to the Lancashire & Cheshire Photographic Union [LCPU] and is a registered charity [No 701819].
The object of the Society is to advance the education of the public in the theory and practice of photography as an art.
Membership shall be open to the public with membership consisting of grades as shown in clause 6. The Committee shall have the right for good and sufficient reason to reject any application for membership.
The Society shall be administered by a Committee. This shall consist of:
President [who is a Trustee]
Vice President
Past President [who may take another elected post]
Secretary [who is a Trustee] Treasurer [who is a Trustee]
Internal Competition Secretary
External Competition Secretary
Members Secretary
Syllabus Secretary
Five Ordinary members
The President shall serve for 2 years with all other members to serve 1 year. All may seek re-election at the AGM. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt other members as it sees fit. Such co-opted members will only serve a period up to the next AGM. There shall be no limit on the number of times a member may seek re-election. The Society shall appoint a club delegate to the L&CPU as a co-opted member, if not already holding another elected post on the Committee. No person under the age of 18 years should hold office on the Committee. For Committee meetings a Quorum shall consist of more than half the current Committee members. ​
The annual subscription shall be fixed for the following year at the AGM. The membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August the following calendar year.
The membership subscriptions shall consist of:
Full membership Senior citizen concession membership [65+ years]
Junior/Student membership [up to the age of 18 years]
Life Membership [conferred only by the Committee]
Visitors intending to join are welcome to attend a maximum of 3 meetings, after which membership shall be taken up at the appropriate subscription.
The Annual General Meeting [AGM] shall be held during the second annual quarter of the year.
A Special General Meeting [SGM] may be convened by the President, or at the request of any ordinary member on a requisition signed by at least 20 per cent of the current membership. Chorley Photographic Society Club Constitution
The financial year of the Society shall run from 1 April to 31 March. At the close of the financial year a balance sheet shall be drawn up by the Treasurer and independently checked. This shall then be presented to members at the AGM.
Notification of any proposed amendments or additions to the Society's Constitution must be made in writing to the Secretary a minimum of 21 days before the AGM subject to the following:
Such proposed amendments or additions must be carried by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at the AGM.
No amendment will be made which would result in the Society ceasing to be established for exclusively charitable purposes according to the Law of England & Wales.
No amendment shall be made to Clause 2, this clause or clause 12 of this Constitution without prior approval of the Charities Commission.
The Society may only be dissolved at any time by a resolution passed by a three-quarters majority of eligible members present and voting at an AGM or at a Special General meeting called for that purpose. If, upon the dissolution of the Society there remains after the settling of all liabilities any property whatsoever, this shall not be paid to or distributed amongst members of the Society but shall be given or transferred to such charity or charities established for similar purposes as the Committee shall decide.
Amended 2021.
Registered Charity: 701819
Data Protection
Chorley PS consider the protection of personal data seriously and take every step to remain complaint with data protection laws and the General Data Protection Regulations. Our full privacy statement, which outlines how we use and store personal information can be found here.