The closing date for entries to this years Novice Cup Competition is this Sunday, 4th October 2020. So, if you are interested in entering, there is still time to do so.
For anyone who hasn't heard of this competition before, by definition, it is a competition open to anyone without any form of PAGB, RPS, FIAP or PSA distinctions. It is a great opportunity for everyone starting out in the world of photography, to have their work shown to a wider audience
Due to the Covid-19 situation and restrictions on public gatherings, this years competition will be run under different rules than usual. Entry will also be via a different system to allow on-line remote judging.
Online Entry Closes - Sunday 4th October 2020
Online Judging - will be broadcast via ZOOM on Sunday 11th October (details to follow).
For a detailed list of Rules and Guidelines for the Competition click here .
To register a user account on the entry system follow this link
https://lcpu-portal.org/success using the code number 611760 to register a user account on the system. Â
Good Luck!!