Our April Critique meeting will be held online using the zoom conferencing software. You can join with the details below:
Topic: April Online Critique
Time: Apr 29, 2020 08:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83390372031?pwd=N28vdjBkRTVwbGdXbGhTNFFKc1FJQT09
Meeting ID: 833 9037 2031
Password: cps
For those joining us, can we ask you to join the session a few minutes ahead of 8pm, just to give you time to get the software loaded and running. This will allow us to start at 8.
We also hope to record the session and post it on YouTube later, for people to watch at their leisure.
If you have not already provided your comments on the images. this can be done in the competition portal and is open for comments now.