The excitement is mounting - which clubs will be eliminated in the early rounds?
Rochdale & District Camera Club invite you along to watch the judging of the Ted Colman Memorial Competition 2022 on Tuesday 10th May.
Below are the Zoom log in details for you so that they (virtually) can come along,watch and support your club entry:
Topic: The Ted Colman Competition 2022
Time: May 10, 2022 06:45 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 9360 5218
Passcode: TC2020
The competition is due to start at 7pm and you will be able to log on from 6.30pm.
How it Works:
There are 15 clubs taking part and there will be Breakout Rooms for each club so that you and your members can discuss tactics in private or just have a get together.
The judge, Dave Gibbins ARPS APAGB EFIAP/b BPE5* from Nottingham has been sent the first round to view.
Therefore this round of 60 images will be shown without a preview with the comments and marks given
Once this round is completed and the total scores agreed - the two lowest scoring clubs will sadly leave the competition.
There will then be a break whilst the remaining clubs advise me of their next four image. via the Chat - this will be set to only come to me.
I just require each image's letter/number to allow me to make up the next round projection.
At the end of the second round, once the scores are announced, there will be a second break.
The three lowest scoring clubs will leave the competition and the 10 remaining clubs will be asked to select their four images from the five remaining and send the codes to me.
The third round now takes place and once completed we will show the two highest scoring clubs (plus any ties) remaining one image to determine the winning club.
I hope that all the above makes sense!
All CPS members are actively encouraged to join in and support the club. We are the reigning champions and with a fair wind could well be again!