The 2021 L&CPU Annual Individuals Competition was held over the weekend and a number of our members did well.
Due to the congoing COVID restrictions, the judging was again run via Zoom and was judged by Leo Rich ARPS DPAGB Hon PAGB EFIAP/g, Bill Hall. DPAGB AFIAP FBPE and Mike Sharples MPAGB ARPS EFIAP FBPE.
Well done done to all our members that took part, it's particularly nice to see some new names on the list...
Chorley members receiving individual awards included:
Christine Dickinson - Goshawk with Prey - Commended
Mr Robin Price - Vulture Dispute - Commended
Mr John Cobham - Wild Kestrel Landing - Commended
Mr Robin Price - Hyena Skirmish - Commended
Individual Category Rankings for Open Digital for Chorley members included:
11th - Steve Proctor DPAGB, BPE5*
24th - Robin Price BPE1 and David Butler MFIAP MPSA ARPS BPE
33th - Christine Dickinson CPAGB
40th - Arun Mohanraj
53th - Lee Sutton CPAGB BPE4*
74th - James Hardy CPAGB LRPS
114th - John Chafer
166 - Brenda Dean
167 - Jeanette Savigar
Individual Category Rankings for Nature Digital for Chorley members included:
5th - John Cobham
8th - Robin Price BPE1
31th - Christine Dickinson CPAGB
40th - Steve Proctor DPAGB, BPE5*
48th - Arun Mohanraj
75th - Lee Sutton CPAGB BPE4*
In the Digital Worker of the Year, Chorley members received the following results:
14th - Steve Proctor DPAGB, BPE5 and Robin Price BPE1
25th - Christine Dickinson CPAGB
35th - Arun Mohanraj
50th - Lee Sutton CPAGB BPE4*
113th - David Butler MFIAP MPSA ARPS BPE
127th - James Hardy CPAGB LRPS
141th - John Chafer
The full scores can be found on the following links:
I think the members awards on the L&CPU could do with a bit of an update